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Carnegie Mellon University

Leadership in a Cyber-Enabled World

Instructor CEU Units # of Lectures Hours per Week Tuition
Dale Meyerrose 4.8 12 8-10 $2,700

Course Objectives

This course explores leadership, change management, technology, and security issues that affect large, complex organizations in the public and private sectors.  A cyber-enabled organization is characterized by leveraging information technology as a means of cost control or creating organizational capital and value.
Upon course completion students will be able to:

  • Utilize critical thinking skills to analyze organizational patterns and relationships.
  • Understand the basic concepts and issues related to cyber and its organization impact.
  • Appreciate organizations in the context of highly complex operating environments.
  • Be able to relate strategy, business, and technology in the context of organizational dynamics.
  • Understand technology, management, and leadership issues related to orgnaization processes and problem solving.



Required Textbook

Textbook #1:  First, Break All the Rules-What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently.  Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman.  Simon & Schuster, NY, NY.  1999.  ISBN 0-684-85286-1.

Textbook#2:  Enchantment:  The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions.  Guy Kawasaki, 2011.  ISBN:  978-1-59184-379-5.

Textbook #3:  The Starfish and The Spider - The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizaitons.   Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom.  Portfolio, Penquin Group, NY, NY.  2006.  ISBN 1-59184-143-7.


Lecture 1:    Course Overview
Lecture 2:    Rules to Gain Cyber Advantage
Lecture 3:    Right Thing, Right Time, Right Reason
Lecture 4:    IT May Be Important - But What Matters?
Lecture 5:    Winning Friends and Influencing Enemies- or is it vice versa?
Lecture 6:    Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast
Lecture 7:    Paving Cowpaths
Lecture 8:    Is Starfish Thinking Relevant in Bureaucracies?
Lecture 9:    Who is Moving the Cyber "Cheese"?
Lecture 10:  Measuring Cyber
Lecture 11:  Corralling the Cyber Force
Lecture 12:  Looking at the Future of Cyber