Carnegie Mellon University

AI Enabled Enterprise Architecture

Instructor CEU Units # of Lectures Hours per Week Tuition
John Goetze 4.8 12 8-10 $3,200

Course Objectives

This course provides students with an understanding of the basic concepts and practices of Enterprise Architecture (EA). Upon course completion students will:

  • Understand the role of EA in integrated governance; specifically, how EA relates to IT-related strategic planning, capital planning, operations management, security and privacy, program management, standards, and workforce planning.
  • Understand how EA uses strategic priorities and business requirements to drive IT solution development, and implementation.
  • Understand how EA functions as a management program as well as an analysis and documentation methodology.
  • Understand how the scope of the EA program and documentation method is visualized through a hierarchical framework that encompasses strategic initiatives, business processes, information flows, IT systems and services, and networks.
  • Understand how EA can lower the risk of implementing successful IT solutions.
  • Understand how EA addresses organizational culture and dynamics in supporting strategies for implementing and managing change.
  • Understand the historical roots of EA practice and theory.
  • Understand how to use scenario planning to gain executive level participation in future architecture development.
  • Understand the difference between solution, domain, and enterprise architecture.
  • Understand how to use scenario planning to gain executive level participation in future architecture development.
  • Understand concepts and methods for establishing and populating an organization's EA website and documentation repository.
  • Participate in on-line threaded discussions of EA topics with fellow students that will bring out real-world experiences in dealing with EA issues, challenges, and opportunities.



Required Textbook

Scott Bernard (2020) An Introduction to Holistic Enterprise Architecture. Authorhouse.  ISBN13:  978-1728358055


Lecture 1:      Enterprise Architecture Theory and Practice Overview
Lecture 2:      The Roots of Enterprise Architecture - Age of Information
Lecture 3:      The Scope of Enterprise Architecture
Lecture 4:      EA 6 Basic Elements
Lecture 5:      The EA6 Cube
Lecture 6:      EA Documentation Overview
Lecture 7:      EA Documentation Area - 1 Strategy Architecture
Lecture 8:      EA Documentation Area - 2 Business Architecture
Lecture 9:      EA Documentation Area - 3 Data and Information Architecture
Lecture 10:    EA Documentation Area - 4 Systems and Application Architecture
Lecture 11:    EA Documentation Area - 5 Networks and Infrastructure, Security, Skills and Standards
Lecture 12:    Combining EA Artifacts

Weekly Online Discussion Topics

A one-hour online meeting is held every Tuesday evening from 7-8pm CET. The link is available on the course website.   Topics and Assignment Reviews are mandatory. student Q&A time is also provided.